Dont Save the Good Stuff

Keep Away ManI’ve started to come across more and more people on the Internet who also have their own sites. A lot of times they will ask me to check out their site and tell them what I think. Then, before I say (type) anything, they throw in, “I’m still building it though, so I haven’t put up all of my best stuff.” As fast as the things move these days, you can’t ever know when your time will come. It might be now, it might be next year. The point is, when the time comes, don’t you want people reading your “best stuff”? So, whether you are starting a new web site, opening a new business, starting a new ad campaign, or just continuing on with your current successes, don’t hold anything back. If you’ve got good stuff in your head, get it out there, because otherwise all of us without access to your head won’t see it. And, frankly, if we don’t see any good stuff when we come by, why would we come back?

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