Bing Webmaster Tools Down

Microsoft’s vaunted Bing search engine can’t manage to provide the basic webmaster tools that website owners depend on. Maybe they should use Google Webmaster toools to find out that they have a broken link.

A Question of Greatness

Pondering the questions that make the Internet move. What do Technorati, WordPress, Google, and more do right or wrong to make my life better or worse?

Google Experiment

Making some simple Google tests. Mostly just for my benefit. Come look if you like, but don’t expect the sun and the moon.

Google Software Updater – Trojan or Virus Part Deux

Not too long ago, I complained about Microsoft’s Seaport Enhanced Search Tool which is set to run automatically on startup and keep running all of the time by default.  This application provides the dubious function of checking for new updates or configuration files for a search enhancement that no one asked to be installed.  Instead, … Read more

How the nofollow tag makes search results worse

A few years ago, Google used its muscle within the search engine world, and on the Internet in general to push through the acceptance of a new concept regarding links to webpages. Google implemented, and the other major search engines followed, a system where any link tagged with the attribute “nofollow” would not count as … Read more