300 Words About 44 Women

Yeah. I don’t actually have a way to do that headline. I was thinking that I need to fire up an update here on Best Hubris after finally finishing what was supposed to be a 300 or 500 word quickie about my thoughts on buying some puts on Vail stock based on what is going … Read more

Cruise Ship Physics

how does a cruise ship float

I’m busy today. Like really busy. My deadlines are all Monday, but this weekend it booked. I suppose I could skip the Broncos game, but who are we kidding. How Does It Float? I’ll bet money there is at least one episode of one of those “how things work” TV shows out there about how … Read more

Long Posts versus Short Posts

Once upon a time, the conventional wisdom was that Google wouldn’t index, and therefore rank, any thing shorter than 300 words. I wrote an article about how 300 words is basically nothing, noting that an introduction and conclusion could take up 100 of those words fairly easily, leaving just 200 words of content. Then, people … Read more

A Question of Greatness

Pondering the questions that make the Internet move. What do Technorati, WordPress, Google, and more do right or wrong to make my life better or worse?

Professional Writing

I have several professional writing gigs under my belt now. My phone is even starting to ring without me persistently following up and tracking down those I want to write for. I’m also earning some money. What have I found so far? It seems that a lot of writers out there who claim to be … Read more

Your First Business

Recently my first ill-fated attempt at a small business startup came back to memory. It could have been huge, but I was afraid. Not any more.