I got a weird email from someone so I checked out their website… like you do.
The website was an array of self-help and self-improvement theories, each with an available eBook. The small ebook was free, of course, assuming you were willing to pony up your email address and contact information. The bigger ebook (if you REALLY were interested) would then cost money.
This is all fine, and if it works for you, more power to you. It was one thing that caught my eye.
Keep Doing It Again
So, here is the key to making online wealth. Theoretically, it could be done for not online wealth, but the limits of the physical world get in the way.
The key is to find something, anything, and make $1 a day doing that.
Once you have your $1 a day business, all you have to do is do it again. Replicate what you did to make $1 a day. If you do that 100 times, you have an online business making $100 per day.

If only it were that simple.
In theory, everything checks out. Build an email list. Send your subscribers emails with links or ads. Earn $1 a day doing it.
To replicate your $1 a day business, all you have to do is do it again. Just how you can do it again is the trick, or as I like to say in a pirate voice, “Ey, there’s the rub.”
You could build another website with the same type of content, and the same time of email form, and build the same kind of email list. Another dollar?
One might assume that there would be some overlap, making one $1 a day operation less valuable than the other.
Or, is doing it again just doing what you are already doing, but more of it, such that the original operation generates $2 a day.
Even if either of these replicas works, how would you ever replicate it to $100 a day? It can be done, but it isn’t a nothing effort thing.
Ideally, you would be able to build a $1 a day mailing list on a different topic. Maybe that’s “doing it again.” If you could build such lists for 100 topics, that would be $100 a day. As awesome as that sounds, it would also require a lot of work, both to get the 100 lists, and maintain them.
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Go For It, Then Go For It Again
There is nothing wrong with the advice to scale any success you have into more success, in fact, that is exactly what anyone should do whenever possible. But, the notion that anyone can just do what they did a second time and that it’s a no-brainer that you just never thought about, is kind of laughable.
Of course, what do I know?
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Based on the guy’s website, this is exactly what he has done. Dozens of self-help, business building, and how-to newsletters are yours for the taking. If every one of those ebook offers makes a $1 a day, I don’t think he would be up to $100 a day, but if some of them make $3 or $4 a day, he would be very close.
Maybe I should download an ebook and help a fellow webpreneur out… then again, I use an email that I don’t really read to sign up for things like “free” ebooks, so that $1 a day won’t end up coming from me.
That’s OK. He obviously practices what he preaches, and I like to think that he has enough good fortune and dedications to make it work.
In the meantime, I’ll go back to figuring out how to replicate my most successful websites. I mean they make more than $1 a day, so if I could just do that 20 times, I could have yacht money.